Community & Sustainability

At Midsummer Place, we're committed to supporting our community and protecting our environment.

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Protecting our environment

At Midsummer Place, we are dedicated to doing everything we practicably can to help reduce our impact on the environment:

  • We have a successful waste segmentation system, supported by our retailers. We divert 100% of our waste away from landfill, and over 50% of this is recycled.
  • We are over 85% of the way through a five year project of re-lamping the entire centre and car park with LED lights. LEDs are significantly more energy efficient than traditional halogen lamps, and last longer too.
  • We have replaced taps with infrared versions. Hands must be under a tap to activate it, meaning less water will be wasted as taps cannot be left running, or overflow accidentally.

Coffee to Compost

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We first launched our coffee to compost scheme at Midsummer place in July 2022. Rather than disposing of used coffee grounds, we repackage and give them to our visitors, so they can be repurposed as a soil fertiliser.

For more information about the scheme and for tips on how to safely use coffee grounds in your garden, click here

Working with our community

At Midsummer Place, we work closely with the business community as well as charities and community groups to help do our part in helping our city thrive:

  • We are proud to work closely with Willen Hospice and have been the hosts of the start and finish of the annual night walk, for over a decade.
  • We launched a Christmas Tree Festival in 2022 and 2023. It saw 20 local businesses and community groups, along with their nominated charities, decorate a Christmas tree on our mall, and raise awareness in the six weeks leading up to Christmas. Visitors voted on their favourite trees, and all proceeds from the festival were donated to the nominated charities of the three trees with the most votes overall.
  • In 2017 we helped launch The Bus Shelter MK, a charity determined to ensure no one in our City has to sleep on the streets. We continue to support them with fundraising in centre.

The Walnuts Sixth Form

Supporting local enterprise

Our retailers sustainability projects

Medical Detection Dogs