The Umbrella Project MK

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Umbrella Project MK

The Milton Keynes Umbrella Project is the largest display in the UK to date. It is designed to be an uplifting, visual representative of Neurodiversity- like the different umbrellas, it symbolises all the different and unique ways that we all act, think, respond, and feel. Neurodiversity is a collective term for every single one of us!

These powerful installations are designed to spark conversations and enable cities like ours to show that we champion difference, and we aspire to be more inclusive.

Using this bold and colourful platform, we particularly want to improve acceptance and understanding of neurodivergence- an umbrella term to describe individuals whose mind or cognitive functioning means they may think, learn, or act differently from dominant societal norms.

There are many terms of neurodivergence, they include: Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, and Dyscalculia.

The MK Umbrella Project recognises that everyone is valid and valuable, regardless of whether they have different ways of engaging in the world.

Our display stands as a catalyst for Milton Keynes, it marks the start of a commitment towards lasting change, where inclusion becomes part of our city's DNA.

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The Umbrella Project aims to...


By providing more knowledge, understanding and sharing lived experiences.


By reframing perspectives and shifting the narrative to acceptance and support.


By shining a light on the strengths and positives of difference.

To find out more about the Umbrella Project and to connect with local support services, please visit the official Milton Keynes Umbrella Project website here.